Which window

There are basically two types of window materials, metal/glass or acrylic. Acrylic is more popular in Europe (e.g. Dometic Seitz), while meta/glass windows are more popular in US.

We went with CRL which is a glass/metal window with sliding screen.


  1. determine the location(s).
  2. draw a template from the window frame, and transfer the template to the outside van body.
  3. apply tapes along the cutting lines to reduce metal dusts and vibration. We also use blue tapes to attach trash bags to the lower edge of the cutting lines from inside, to collect the metal dusts.

  4. actually cut ti!. We used the jigsaw. Just be careful when there is a small piece left, it tends to vibrate a lot. Just use more tape to stabilize it.
  5. file the cut smooth and apply seal and paint.
  6. our order does not include foam sealer, so we just used Butyl Tape from the roof fan installation. To be extra cautious, we applied ProFlex RV Flexible Sealant as the second line of defense.
  7. pre-drill holes in the clamp ring and install it. This step actually is more time consuming than we expected. We didn’t pre-drill at beginning, and find it extremely difficult to drill into the metal holes. The screw needs actually go into the metal frame of the window. So don’t skip the PRE-DRILLING!
  8. test. We actually got the test for free due to the rain in the next few days.
