A New Journey!

It is time to start a new project, or a new journey!

We got a Van - RAM Promaster 2500, and ready to roll up our sleeves and convert it into our new mobile home!

Techincally we received it in Dec. last year, but we only started the work this year, and missed recording a few weeks of our work, which we will try to make up shortly.

Specs / Upgrades

It is a cargo van, which leaves us more freedom for customization. Not much upgrades except for the alternators. We will use it to charge the battery, so it would be better to more a bit more powerful.

A high roof, with 159 WB. With the 159 wheel base, we expect to be able to park it in more US parking spot. Even a high roof, it should be low enough to drive through most bridges/tunnels.


More to come - just be patient!
