Which fan

We went with MaxxFan 6200k. It has two unique features: inverse air flow and is usable during the rain.


We decided to install only one fan. The location in front has the advantage that Promaster has a flat area perfect for installation. If we want it in the back, an additional adapter will be needed.

Be careful to avoid the supporting beams on the roof!


  1. draw the square in the roof for cutting.
  2. Cut the hole using jigsaw. We used blue tape along the cutting line to reduce vibration, and hung a trash back from below to collect the metal dusts. (it is intimidating for the first cut, but jigsaw is easy to maneuver to our surprise).
  3. file the cut smooth and apply seal and paint.
  4. applyButyl Tape on the fan flange (on the surface that will be touching the fan roof). The tape itself is a play dough like rubber but harder. make sure the surfaces are clean, or wipe with alcohol if needed.
  5. prepare a wood frame to be used from inside the van, so that screws can have something to bite.
  6. install the flange with top screws.
  7. install the fan and fasten the side screws.
  8. lastly, seal perimeter and screw heads with lap sealant. Note, lap sealant cures slowly during cold weather. It took almost a week to cure with close to freezing temperature.
