Main construction

For bed, we install two large cabinets on the two sides, serving as the bed and sofa. The covers ar attached using piano hinges, and simply drilled a few holes for ventilation.


Foam cushions were cut to make the sofa/bed and back supports (lovely cover, BTW).

Then we simly used the same plywood to make a long table top, supported by two removeable legs.

The sofa is a bit tall, so we add 1.5-in on the bottom lift it up to a comfortble height.


A word on wood

We researched and debated for quite a while on the wood to use, and ended up with the well-known Baltic Birch plywood. Admittedly, it is quite expensive (e.g. $140 for a 1/2-in 4x8 ft sheet), and it is not sold by those big stores. But the benefit is that it is quite solid, and good strength. When using #6 screws, it never slipped (unlike soft woods). Plus, it is pretty itself. We even ended up using it for our dinning table and countertop.

Only wish it was a bit cheaper.
