I have been searching for the best headphones for running for years. After spending quite some money of variously headphones, I finally found the perfect one with a few minutes extra work.

To cut things short, this is how it looks alt text

Ok, I agree it does not look that fancy. But it definitely does works like charm. Most wired headphones can be really loud because:

  1. The swing of the wire while running
  2. The wind passing by the ears

Now this DIY handles the both problems.

First, here is the list of things needed.

Now, let’s start counting the time.

  1. Put the hat on and find the locations on the edge of the hat that are the closest to your ears, and keep a mark(s).
  2. Use the safety pins from the outside to fix the headphones on both sides, while only leave enough length so that it can reach your ears. It looks like this from outside alt text and from inside alt text
  3. Stitch the joint to the back of hat. This is an important step because this will absorb most of the shocks coming from the swinging wire while running.  alt text
  4. Final step, try it on! alt text

I admit that it does looks COOL with all this safety pins on. But once you are happy with this, it is quite easy to polish it with real work. alt text

This mainly handles the first cause of typical noise from the headphone, but the second one is taken care by wearing a hat! Enjoy!  
